Dining Preferences is one of the eleven available tabs within a Resident's profile.

This section is where you select Dining Location, Portion Size and Tray Requirements for the Resident for each meal service.

The available selections are found by:

1. Clicking the Edit Resident button

2. Then click on the Dining Preferences tab. 
3. Click on the dropdown arrows under each heading.

To indicate a Tray is required for a meal service, simply click on the radio button under the Portion Size to move the slider to the green tick:

The default list of Dining Locations is shown below:

  1. Bedroom
  2. Dining Room
  3. Lounge Room 
  4. Courtyard

If your site has a Dining Location that is not included in this list, this can be added in Dietary Settings, by following these steps:

  1. Click on Catering
  2. My Site
  3. Dietary Settings
  4. + Add New Dietary Term:

5. From the RDI Setting Term Name drop down menu, select Dining Preferences.

6. Enter the name of your new Dining Location (e.g. Activities Room) in the Form Text and Report Text fields:

  • Form Text - this is what displays on the screen, and
  • Report Text - this is what displays on the reports, so it can be the same as the Form Text, but abbreviations or short names work best for reports: 

7. Click Save.

Once added in Dietary Settings, terms become available for selection in a Resident's profile.

To learn more about Portion Size in SoupedUp, click here.