Access Resident Menu Selection Forms to Manage Orders (Live Order Forms)

The Resident Menu Selection Form is where you enter Resident meal choices into SoupedUp. 

A User will need Resident Orders to be selected in their Role when setting up the New User Profile or updating current User Profile to enable them to place orders for Residents in SoupedUp. To learn more about User Roles and Permissions, click here.

The Resident Menu Selection Forms are designed to be able to use with portable devices like an ipad or tablet connected to your facility's wifi network to place Resident meal choices. If any resident orders are taken using printed meal order forms, that information can also be collated and entered into the Resident Menu Selection Forms.

To access the Resident Menu Selection Form to Manage Orders for a chosen week: 

  • Select Catering from the side navigation bar.
  • Click on Orders.
  • Select Manage Orders.
  • Active and Planning Menus available will be listed under the Menus heading.
  • You must have an Active or Planning Menu currently available for the Resident Menu Selection Forms to display in the Manage Orders section.
  • The current Active menu will be highlighted in blue and any other Menus, for example Planning, will also be displayed for selection and can switch between Menus displayed here by clicking on the desired menu to highlight.
  • The Resident Menu Selection Forms created will then be displayed for week selection on the right side of the screen and you can click on the desired week to open the form and commence placing Resident orders.

Menus Available and Resident Menu Selection Forms Created

Opening Resident Menu Selection Form

Once you have clicked on the desired week this will open the Resident Menu Selection Form.

Updating Form Settings and Filters in the Resident Menu Selection Forms

Prior to opening the Resident Menu Selection Forms, you may need to ensure that the Form Settings have been selected and saved as per your order taking preferences.  Click on this link to Form Settings in the Manage Orders section of our Knowledge Base for further instructions.

Once you have set your Form Settings as desired and opened your Resident Menu Selection form, you will be able to use a series of filters in the Order Forms to suited to your order taking preferences.

Navigate Resident Menu Selection Form Options

  1. In the Order Form on the top left side, you can navigate between Weeks and Days using the drop down
    menus or <Previous and >Next buttons shown below.
  2. In the Order Form on the top right site Use the Buttons select Default Choices, Last Choices, Reports OR Clear Choices:
    • Default Choices - will apply the first Menu selection options Choice 1 for each meal course
    • Last Choices - will select the last choice as made for a Resident in the same week of the previous month (subject to full a 4 weeks of orders having been already placed in the previous month and conditional to Resident changes made since previous months order placements).
    • Reports - all Order Management Reporting is subject to orders placed before you can generate these reports (Order Reporting can also be accessed via Manage Orders)
    • Clear Choices - removes all pre-populated selectionsDefault Choices - Click on Default Choices to display a pop up box with options to apply the Default Choices to the whole site or only to apply to the Wing selected:
      • To apply - Yes, apply to all residents within site
      • To apply - Yes, apply to all residents within wing

Once you have clicked on your preferred selection to apply the Default Choices, you will receive a confirmation pop up to say your selections were successful:

Last Choices - Click on Last Choices to display a pop up box with options to apply the Default Choices to the whole site or only to apply to the Wing selected:

  • To apply - Yes, apply to all residents within site
  • To apply - Yes, apply to all residents within wing

Once you have clicked on your preferred selection to apply the Last Choices, you will receive a notification pop up related to resident changes and requesting you to confirm your selection by clicking OK or Cancel:

If there are current orders in place you will receive a further notificaiton pop up requesting confirmation to override orders taken by clicking OK or Cancel:

Once you have clicked on your preferred selection to apply the Last Choices, you will receive a confirmation pop up to say your selections were successful:

Reports - Click on Reports to display all Order Reports options once Orders are entered and saved:

3.  In the Order Form, the Show/hide columns can be ticked/unticked, based on your preference to show meal services and Meal Delivery:

4.    In the Order Form, you can choose to filter by Wing or Dining and you can click on the drop down option to select the Wing or Dining option:

5.    In the Order Form, you can use the Search bar to search for residents by typing in their First Name OR Last Name and click on Search

6.    In the Order Form, Residents can be filtered by First Name, Last Name, Preferred Name, Table, Food Texture or Order Status:

7.   The Form columns displayed will be determined by selections made in the Form Settings in Manage Orders.  These include Allergens/Dietary Restrictions, Food Texture - Protein, Food Texture - Other, Portion Sizes and Multiple meals:

8.    To enter a choice for a resident, simply click the box that corresponds with their meal choice and a green tick will appear.  If you make a mistake, click again to remove the tick.

9.    Multiple meals can be ticked for any resident that has a larger appetite and would like to order more than one meal at each meal service:

10.    For 'vegetables' when available within the ordering forms, multiple of these can be selected without checking 'multiple meals'. This means, a resident can select multiple vegetable choices in the ordering form without the need for staff to check the multiple meals button as mentioned in step 9. To enable this functionality in the ordering form (as seen below), within the menu the 'menu course' must be 'vegetables'. For more information on course settings click here11. Texture and Allergen/Dietary Restrictions blocking is a key feature of the Resident Menu Selection Form.

The Dietary Information entered in a Resident profile is combined with the Ingredient, Allergen and Texture Type information in Recipes, to determine which meals are suitable for each resident. Where a meal choice is unsuitable for a resident based on their food texture or allergens/dietary restrictions profile, it will be greyed out in the selection form:

12. To safeguard against ordering mistakes, if an attempt is made to order a meal that has been blocked, a warning pop up will appear, explaining why the choice has been blocked:

13.    If a decision is made to override the blocking, the green Override button can be pressed.  If this button is pressed a second time, it will revert the blocking.In both cases, a log will show the date and time this change was made, as well as the name of the user who made the change: 

14.    The final column in the right hand side of the Resident Menu Selection Form is the order Status column.  As orders are taken, this Status can be changed from Not Started to either On Hold (if part-way through a resident's order) or Completed (if all choices have been entered for that resident).  Simply click in the status box to change the status. 
The status colour-coding enables the user to see at a glance which resident orders still need to be taken or completed:

15.    If Meal Delivery has been selected in the Show/hide columns, a Delivery column will be added to the Resident Menu Selection Form for every meal service, and a Delivery key will be visible:

Once the order Status for a resident has been changed to Completed, the Delivery status will automatically show as N (Not Delivered).  As meals are delivered, users can click in the relevant Delivery column to change the status to A (Accepted) or R (Rejected). 

If a meal is Rejected, the user will be prompted to enter a Reasons(s) and additional comments, if appropriate.  The Delivery status will also appear red in the selection form.

Always Remember to click Save before moving to a new Day or Week.