Only users with Administrator permission can add and edit users for your site.  When SoupedUp is implemented to your site, at least one user with Administrator access will have been created.
To learn more about User Roles and Permissions in SoupedUp, click here. 

To add a new user:

  1. Click on Administration from the side nav:

  2. Select Users:

  3. From the User Manager screen, click the + Add New button in the top right corner:
  4. Complete the' Step 1: User Details' information for the new User, including selecting their User role:
  5. We recommend you tick the checkbox 'Email invite to user, allowing them to set their own password' whenever possible to maintain highest levels of security. By selecting this option, the new user will receive an email to create a password (note; this MUST be actioned within 24 hours of receiving the email).

If the user does not have a valid email address, you have the option to create a password for the new user. Please ensure this is a temporary password and that the user updates it once they have successfully logged in. To find out more on how to update your user password, please refer to Change my password

6. If the user is ready to start in the site or organisation, ensure their Status is selected as Active, then click Next.

7. Complete the 'Step 2: Site Access' details by selecting the site or organisation you want to assign this user to.  Multiple sites can be selected.  Click Next.

8. The next step, 'Step 3: Permissions' is optional. This allows customisation of specific access features by clicking Yes or No to make any changes to the default permissions for that User Role. Make any changes as desired, or simply click Finish.

9. The new User is now set up and can be seen in the list of Users under User Management:

10. The new User will also automatically be added to Contacts.

Note:  User accounts that remain unused for greater than 3 months will be automatically deactivated in SoupedUp.