When in Recipes, to add a new Recipe:

Click on the +Add New Recipe button in the top right corner:

Step One: Recipe Details

When adding your recipe, the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk:

  • Recipe Title*
  • Texture Types* 
  • Meal Category*
  • Description*

The choice of Food Textures in SoupedUp is based on the IDDSI framework. You are able to select one or more suitable food textures for your recipe, using the drop-down menu for selection:

  • RG7- Regular
  • EC7 - Regular Easy to Chew
  • SB6- Soft & Bite-Sized
  • MM5 - Minced & Moist
  • PU4 - Pureed
  • LQ3 - Liquidised

You also have the option of selecting the following optional details for your recipe:

  1. Active
  2. Allow Reheat
  3. An Event Recipe
  4. Number of days recipe must be used by, including if frozen
  5. Select Nested Recipes
  6. Add a recipe image

1. Your recipe will be added as Active by default.  If you do not want it to be Active, you will need to uncheck this selection.  Inactive recipes will not be available for selection when creating Choice Rules, and therefore will not be included in a menu.

2. Allow Reheat is a useful way of tagging recipes that are suitable for reheating. If you tick this option, you will be prompted to enter Step 3: Reheating and Plating instructions after completing Step 2: Recipe Ingredients & Methods.  This is outlined below.

3. When you subscribe to our Events module, you have the ability to include recipes for your Events, and have these recipes flow through to your kitchen reports. This button is used to tag any recipes you would like included for Events.

4. Entering the number of days the recipe must be used by, either freshly made, or frozen, is a useful tool for tracking perishability. To enter information in this field, simply type a number of whole days into each relevant box.

5. A quick way to embed a sub-recipe within your main recipe, is to use the Nested Recipes drop-down menu. All ingredient, allergen and texture information flows through from both the Nested recipes and the main recipe to meal orders and kitchen reports, including the shopping list. This feature removes the need for long and complicated preparation process descriptions.

6. If you would like to include a recipe image:

  • Click in the centre of the stock image (Set Image).
  • Select an Image from your local computer.
  • Crop your image (if desired).
  • Save and Close.

7.  Once you have entered all your desired information from above, click Next.

Step two: Recipe Ingredients and Method

1. Enter 'Units per recipes' and 'Serve Unit'.  For example if your recipe will make 30 serves, and you would like the serving size measured in grams, you would enter this as shown below: 


Just like SoupedUp recipes, this recipe can be scaled up and down once the recipe is saved, using the 'Únits per recipes' calculator in View Recipe.

2. The 'Serve Quantity' and 'Cost per serve' will calculate automatically, based on the added ingredients, Units per recipes amount and Serve Units entered. Please note, you will only see the cost per serve if you subscribe to our the Budgets module. To review or change your subscription, please contact our friendly support team by clicking here.

3. Add Recipe Ingredients, using the green plus signs and drop-down lists to add headings and individual ingredients.  Use the 4-way arrow (circled blue in the screenshot below) to move the order of ingredients:

4. Enter, or copy and paste, the Preparation Process (Method), Preparation Process Equipment (if desired), Preparation Process Duration (if desired) and any Notes (if relevant):

5. If you have ticked 'Allow Reheat' for this recipe, click Next to move to Step 3. below, otherwise Click Save.

Step three: Reheating and Plating

1. If you have ticked Allow Reheat for this recipe you will need to enter Reheating and Plating instructions.  Begin Step 3. by clicking on the Texture Types dropdown arrow and clicking the name/s of the textures you wish these instructions to apply to:

2. If you are going to be adding additional reheating and plating instructions for different Textures, use the green plus sign (+) to choose these additional textures, as indicated below:

3. Click on the arrow to the right of one of these new entries to open up the Reheating and Plating fields, then enter information, as required, for:

  • Reheat Process
  • Reheat Process Equipment
  • Reheat Process Duration
  • You can also add a Reheat Texture Image, if desired:

4. Repeat 3. for any additional Textures you have added in this Reheating and Plating section, then Click Save.

Show All Facility Only Recipes

To see which recipes have been added by your site (as opposed to SoupedUp recipes):

When in Recipes

  • Click on Show/Hide Filters.
  • Under Filter Recipes, click on Show All Facility Only. 
  • Click Go
  • You will see a list of recipes added by your site (if any):


To change the Visibility of a Facility recipe, click on the green (Visible) button in the Actions column to change it to red (Invisible).

Edit a Facility Recipe

A Facility recipe can be edited by clicking on the Edit button (pencil and paper icon) in its Actions column. When in Edit Recipe, make any changes as needed and click Save. 

Status and Delete

  • A Facility recipe must be made Inactive before it can be deleted.
  • To change the Status of this Facility recipe, click on the status button to change it from green (Active) to red (Inactive).
  • Once the Facility recipe is made Inactive, the red Delete button will appear.
  • If you are sure you want to delete this recipe, click once on the Delete button.
  • The recipe is permanently deleted.