Contacts are individuals associated with your organisation, including administration staff, contractors and relatives of site Residents. 

To access Contacts:

  • Click on Administration from the side nav.
  • Select Contacts.

Contacts are displayed showing the following details:

  • Photo
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Position
  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • User Role (only relevant if they are also a User)
  • Organisation
  • Site Links
  • Residents Links (if any)
  • Status

To View a Contact in more detail, click on the View icon in their Actions column:

Under View Contact you will see the Contact Name, Phone Number, Title, Organisation.

You will also see the Address Details tab and Linked Sites tab. The Linked Residents tab will only appear if the Contact has Linked Residents. To changed any details, click on the Edit Contact button.  To learn how to Edit a Contact, click here.

To learn how to Add New Contact, click here