To see whether an Active survey has been assigned, completed or sent:

  1. Click on Surveys in the left side nav.
  2. Select Survey Status.
  3. Under the Available Surveys heading, select your chosen survey from the drop down list (only Active surveys will appear). 
  4. The Survey status information will now display for the chosen survey, including:
    • Resident First Name (A list of Residents that have been assigned the survey).  If no Residents have been assigned to the survey, all fields will be empty:
    • Wing
    • Room
    • Date the survey was sent to a Resident or Contact (including the name)
    • Date survey was completed (and name of the person who completed the survey) 
    • If the survey has been completed there will be a View (eye) icon in the Actions column.
    • Click on the View icon of a completed survey and you will see the survey responses.

    • Click Cancel and you will return to Available Surveys.

Please note:

  1. If a survey has been created, but no Residents have been assigned, all fields under the Available Surveys heading will be empty:

  2. If the survey has been assigned to a Resident/s, but hasn't been sent or completed yet, the Completed/Sent column will be empty, and there will be a Complete button (Clipboard icon) and Send Survey button (closed envelope icon) in the Actions column for each Assigned Resident, as shown below:

    To learn more, click on these links to Complete a survey or Send a survey.