Please note: You need to make a supplier Inactive before you can Delete them.

To Delete a Supplier:

  1. Select the Budgets module from the side nav.
  2. Click on Suppliers.
  3. Under the Add New Supplier heading you will see details of all your current suppliers.
  4. If you have a long list of suppliers, begin typing in your your supplier's name into the search field to assist with locating them:

5. Before you can delete a supplier, you need to make them Inactive, so click on the Edit icon in their Actions column to check this:

6. If the Status is Active, change it to Inactive by selecting this from the drop-down menu, then click Save:

If the Status is already Inactive, simply click Back.

6. To then Delete the supplier, click on the red delete icon in the Actions column of your chosen supplier.

7. A pop up message will appear, asking 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?':

8. If you are sure, click Delete and the supplier will be permanently deleted.