Reports - updates and improvements

  • A new report is now available under the Residents -> Resident Information tab titled 'Resident/Client Movements'. This new report can generate for an individual resident, group of residents (i.e. by WRB or Region) or all residents. Data output includes; Date; Full Name; WRB/Region; Status; Status Change Reason; User who made change and Related Comments
  • An issue relating to Special Diets on all reports for D1 and D2 is resolved for print view
  • An issue with deceased/discharged residents appearing on Resident Menu Choice Summary is now resolved
  • Improvements to how 'cut-up' option is displayed in all reports
  • Kitchen Meal Summary - textures are now displayed in IDSSI number order for fluid texture in soups meal orders
  • Community Ordering - Customer meal orders - ability to select more than 1 week is resolved
  • Resident Food and Fluid Label reports - display issues resolved when filtering by wing or room
  • Resident Tray List - issue with sorting by wings resolved