1. Resident List page - resolved issue with sorting list alphabetically by first name, preferred name and last name
  2. Resident Date of Birth field - a pop-up calendar has been included to input date
  3. Manage Orders - issue with 'clear choices' and 'default choices' functions for more than one resident resolved
  4. Issue with Continental Breakfast data displaying on order form resolved
  5. New feature for Recipes Management with ability to filter and search by special diets now available 
  6. Ingredient type - the term 'Frozen' has been added
  7. Issue resolved when updating the status of an ingredient
  8. The dietary setting ‘Fluid Management’ is re-named 'Water Jugs' to be consistent with the field name on the Resident Profile - Dietary Information page



  1. Resident Meal Order Forms - issue generating report with all meal choices resolved, sorting issue also resolved
  2. Resident Menu Selection form - a resident's "Food Texture - Other" will now display under the "Food Texture - Protein" column on the order form
  3. Delivery Summary report - this report has been re-named 'Order and Delivery Summary'. This report now includes a column for resident status and a column for order status including: 'Completed', 'Not Completed' or 'On Hold'
  4. Drink List Individual Resident report - issue resolved when including supplements to this report
  5. Continental Breakfast has been added as a filter option for Meal Service in the following reports: Daily Menu, Display Menu and Table Menu
  6. Breakfast List - issue resolved when displaying the report by dining rooms



  1. Telstra Health; 
    1. improvements made to mapping of 'food likes' and 'fluid likes' when 'nil known' and an ingredient are entered in these fields in iCare
    2. mapping issue resolved when a resident is transferred from one wing to another in same site
  2. Manad: 
    1. improvements made to mapping of 'cut up' indicator (note; further details have been provided to Manad customers via email on this update) 
  3. LeeCare; 
    1. code changes made to validate new residents implemented to eliminate issue of duplicating a resident in SoupedUp
  4. PCS; 
    1. completion of updates to mapping rules
  5. All integrations: 
    1. a border will be displayed to highlight all fields in SoupedUp that are populated via an interface on the View Resident screen - this will enable the user to easily determine which fields are mapped and which are not
    2. API communication emails will now be issued three times daily, instead of at every data poll