Deactivating an Active Menu 

There are a few reasons why you may choose to deactivate your current Active menu as listed below:

  • You wish to activate a new season menu before the current Active menu expires.
  • You wish to deactivate an expired menu (expired menus do not automatically move to Inactive or Not in Use status).

There are some recommended guidelines to follow prior to deactivating a menu:

  • If you are not using Resident Menu Selection Forms (electronic orders), then you can complete Active menu deactivation without any impact.  You can then Clone or Add your new menu and set the status to active with your new dates (ensuring menu starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday). 
  • If you are using Resident Menu Selection Forms (electronic orders), then current orders placed will be impacted by deactivating the menu. We have three options to choose from when deactivating an Active menu with orders currently in place:
    • Complete the deactivation process on the Monday when you have chosen to start your new menu, however this will mean you cannot enter orders from the new menu prior to that day.
    • Complete the deactivation as close as possible to the Monday when you plan to commence the new menu, ensuring you generate and print or save PDF of all required Order Reports, prior to deactivating your menu. This is because once you deactivate the Active menu, all orders, order reports and order history will no longer be available.

Once you are ready to deactivate your menu, locate the Active menu and click on the Status to open the drop down options and select Inactive or Not in Use to complete the menu deactivation.