All Recipes in our Catering module can be scaled up and down, using our 'Units per recipes' calculator.

The default serving size for each Recipe is 30 units.

To change this, simply follow these steps when in Recipes:

  1. Locate your chosen recipe (e.g. Search By Title and click Go).
  2. Click on the View icon for your chosen Recipe.
  3. Under View Recipe, change the 'Units per recipes' from 30 to your desired quantity:
  4. You can use the green plus and red minus signs to do this, or simply delete the old quantity (30) and type in your new quantity.
  5. The Serve number and ingredients amount will automatically update to reflect this change:
  6. Click Generate Report to download a PDF and print the Recipe with the new serving units.

Please note, the 'Units per recipes' calculator will always return to a default of 30 units.