General updates and improvements

  • Resident profile - Date of Birth is now a mandatory field.
  • Issue with recipes being blocked incorrectly for some residents (due to textures selected) in the order form resolved.
  • Access to the Knowledge Base under the Help tab is now enabled for all SoupedUp users in all permission groups.
  • New Special Diets have been added to the dropdown list: 
    • Fodmap display as FOD - Fodmap
    • Low GI display as LGI - Low GI  
      • Note: for clients integrated with a clinical system, please ensure the Nutrition and Hydration form is updated to include the additional special diet options
  • Bug fix for User Last login in Menu Management screen.  
  • Surveys - issue resolved when viewing results of an inactive survey.
  • Breakfast tab - milk (for cereal) has been removed from displaying as a drink in relevant reports.
  • Recipe blocking issue in relation to textures fixed.
  • Community sites - improvements made to email and phone number fields.
  • Duplicate resident entry issue resolved.
  • Shopping List - percentage calculation issue has been resolved.
  • Issue with Site generated recipes being accessible in Head Office resolved.
  • Issue resolved when generating Resident Meal Order form.



Reports - updates and improvements


  • Tray Tag report - issue resolved in displaying multiple serves of cold drinks
  • Manage Orders - improvements have been made when sorting orders by Wing and Dining
  • Texture Modified Food Summary - improvement made to sorting by room
  • Drinks and Supplements reports - issue with display of number of serves resolved on these reports
  • Resident birthday list - improved sorting options in this report
  • Resident Movement report - issue resolved when displaying comments in this report
  • Improved consistency in displaying serving sizes of meals on all reports.
  • Drinks List Individual Resident - generating report issue resolved.


Performance and User experience

Considerable work has been undertaken in this release to improve performance and load times, particularly in the following areas;

  • Manage Orders screen
  • Selecting an Order Form
  • Changing wings in the Order Form
  • Generating the Site Menu Log report (under Administration tab)
  • Shopping list screen
  • Resident Profile page