Dietary Settings – Dietary Settings Information Management

  • Dietary Settings is where you can access the Resident Dietary Terms that are used in a Resident's profile.
  • Administrators can add customised Dietary Terms.
  • Customised Dietary Terms can be edited and deleted, as needed.
  • Once added in Dietary Settings, Terms become available for selection in a Resident's profile.


Locating and accessing Dietary Settings Information Management to View, Edit and Add Dietary Settings Terms:


  1. Head Office based Dietary Settings/Terms - Catering > My Organisation > Dietary Settings > Dietary Settings Information Management
  2. Site based Dietary Settings/Terms – Catering > My Site > Dietary Settings > Dietary Settings Information Management


IMPORTANT NOTE: Editing / Adding Dietary Setting Terms:


When you have a Head Office functionality for your Organisation in SoupedUp, it is important that you ONLY edit or add Dietary Settings Terms via Head Office.  This will need to be done by an Administrator that has access to Head Office.


Organisations with Head Office will need to manage these settings and terms via Head Office and not via Site is to ensure the new Dietary Settings Term is made available for all your Sites.


To View Dietary Terms:

  1. Click on the drop-down menu in the right corner of the screen:


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  1. Select an Option and click Go:


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  1. The filtered list will display the chosen RDI* Setting Field Name (e.g. Bread), as well as the:


Form Text - this is what displays on the screen, and

Report Text - this is what displays on the reports, so abbreviations or short names work best:


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            * RDI here refers to Resident Dietary Information.

To Create a New Dietary Term:


To add a new Dietary Term for your Site:

  1. Click the +Add New Dietary Term button in the top right corner of the screen.

  1. Select the Dietary Term Name (this is the field where you are adding your customised term)
  2. Enter your customised Form Text - this is what will display on the screen.
  3. Enter your customised Report Text - this is what displays in reports, so abbreviations works best.


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When selecting from Ingredients, you need to choose your Ingredient name/s, along with the units (g,kg,l,ml) and quantity for a single serve e.g. if 1 slice of spelt bread is equivalent to 20 grams:



When adding food terms, you can either select from Ingredients (as shown above) or from Recipes (shown below).
When select from Recipes, it will help if you begin typing in the name of the recipe to refine the search:


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  1. If you are adding a non-food term in Dietary Settings, e.g. Religion, the 'Add from' will default to 'Form and Report Text' (rather than Ingredients or Recipes):


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To Edit or Delete a Dietary Term:

 You can only edit or Delete Dietary Terms that have been added by your Organisation (Site):

  1. Under the Dietary Information Settings Management heading, you can begin by filtering your Dietary Terms by Organisation Terms:


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  1. Organisation Terms will stand out as they have both the Edit icon and red Delete button in their Actions column:


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  1. To Edit the chosen Organisation Dietary Term, click on the Edit icon:


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  1. Edit the Dietary Term as required:

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  1. Click Save.

To Delete a Dietary Term added by the Organisation:


  1. Click on the red Delete button in the Actions column for your chosen Organisation Dietary Term:
  2. The Dietary Term will be permanently deleted.


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